【同义词辨析】 2020-06-05 歧义ambiguity-double entendre

ambiguity: usually refers to the use of a word or phrase in such a way that it may be taken in either of two senses: the ~ in the directive's wording caused much confusion.         (除了形容语言,还形容颜色,如瞳孔是黑色还是褐色?海水是蓝色绿色,可以说the color of the eye (or the sea) is ambiguous难判断)   sense特指词的意思meaning of a word,而meaning泛指任何事物的意思,如可用于话语诗歌行为等

equivocation: suggests that the ambiguity is intentional and the intent is to mislead: a report on the nuclear accident filled with ~s.    又如equivocated, dodged questions, and generally misled her inquisitors支支吾吾躲避问题误导审查官员,如h
e is equivocating a lot about what is going to happen if and when there are elections支支吾吾地说着很多万一进行选举会发生的状况,如why doesn't the President say so without equivocation为什么总统不直截了当地说呢

tergiversation: stresses the shifting of senses during the course of one's argument and usually suggests evasion or looseness of thought and intentional subterfuge: a thesis that relies on several ~s of the word "society".    s

double entendre: refers to a word or expression allowing two interpretations, one of them being a cover for a subtle, indelicate, or risque implication: the ~s rife in any bedroom farce.      

ambiguity歧义: 指使用的词语
意思可以有两种解释,equivocation模棱两可支支吾吾含糊其辞: 表示故意引入歧义,目的是误导,tergiversation偷换概念: 强调论述过程中偷换概念,可暗示躲闪思维松散或欺骗,double entendre双关语: 表示有两种解释,表面意思无害,实际意思不雅

记忆方法: 1)首字母AETD想成DEAT是death少写了h还是dead错写成了deat<==有歧义

         2)歧义的意思是表达语言多种解释mean an expression capable of more than one interpretation.  word单词phrase短语。expression是表达方式,表示用词或短语表达意思